Kagura Demuri
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Kagura Demuri
Име: Kagura Demuri
Години: На всеки 12к години тоя се преражда така ,че е леко сложно да му се кажат годините като се приеме ,че никога не е умирал.
Раса: Human/Shadow Angel Hybrid
Външен вид:
Kagura has red hair just like Apollo and a similar eye color as well. He mostly wears black clothes with some fur on his left side.
Характер:He acts like an animal but is gentle sometimes.
История: One of Izumo's two subordinates, and the man whom Cayene saw beside Mikono in his vision of a "wedding in mourning clothes." Kagura possesses a wild and powerful personality: even for Mykage and Izumo, his temperament is rough. Somewhere in him there are vestiges of Apollo from 12,000 years ago...
Kagura is actually revealed to have been split apart from Amata during Alicia's abduction. While Amata had conflicting feelings whether or not to save his mother, Mykage used the opprotunity to split Amata's light and dark halves apart. This dark half chased after Alicia through a dimensional gate into Altair where Mykage was waiting for him. Mykage then erased his memories, renamed dark Amata as 'Kagura' and raised him as his own.
Способности: Kagura's initial element power is his sense of smell. It is so strong that he can track individuals across great distances, and when piloting his Mithra Gnis, it is enhanced to the point that he could smell the pilots within the Vectors.
Kagura is a trained soldier and mecha pilot. He is skilled in acrobatics, brawling, the use of a whip, and running on all fours.
After being tortured by Mykage, Kagura's latent element powers reveal themselves, and he gains the ability to transform into a wolf and reverse the laws of physics. He is subsquently powerful enough to potentionally raze the Altairan capital city, Ianthe, to the ground, and easily defeats more than a dozen of Altair's military mecha.
Допълнително: Ако смятате, че има нуджа да се спомене още някаква информация за героя ви, която не се вписва в някоя от предишните графи, споделете я в тази.
Години: На всеки 12к години тоя се преражда така ,че е леко сложно да му се кажат годините като се приеме ,че никога не е умирал.
Раса: Human/Shadow Angel Hybrid
Външен вид:
Kagura has red hair just like Apollo and a similar eye color as well. He mostly wears black clothes with some fur on his left side.
Характер:He acts like an animal but is gentle sometimes.
История: One of Izumo's two subordinates, and the man whom Cayene saw beside Mikono in his vision of a "wedding in mourning clothes." Kagura possesses a wild and powerful personality: even for Mykage and Izumo, his temperament is rough. Somewhere in him there are vestiges of Apollo from 12,000 years ago...
Kagura is actually revealed to have been split apart from Amata during Alicia's abduction. While Amata had conflicting feelings whether or not to save his mother, Mykage used the opprotunity to split Amata's light and dark halves apart. This dark half chased after Alicia through a dimensional gate into Altair where Mykage was waiting for him. Mykage then erased his memories, renamed dark Amata as 'Kagura' and raised him as his own.
Способности: Kagura's initial element power is his sense of smell. It is so strong that he can track individuals across great distances, and when piloting his Mithra Gnis, it is enhanced to the point that he could smell the pilots within the Vectors.
Kagura is a trained soldier and mecha pilot. He is skilled in acrobatics, brawling, the use of a whip, and running on all fours.
After being tortured by Mykage, Kagura's latent element powers reveal themselves, and he gains the ability to transform into a wolf and reverse the laws of physics. He is subsquently powerful enough to potentionally raze the Altairan capital city, Ianthe, to the ground, and easily defeats more than a dozen of Altair's military mecha.
Допълнително: Ако смятате, че има нуджа да се спомене още някаква информация за героя ви, която не се вписва в някоя от предишните графи, споделете я в тази.
Bael Shade- Брой мнения : 568
Join date : 05.08.2012
Re: Kagura Demuri
Не е лошо да допълниш и слабостите ;) U know, everyone has them ..
После се смятай за одобрен
После се смятай за одобрен
Re: Kagura Demuri
Слабости гледай анимето и ще разбереш гръмваш го и той умира готово хД.
Bael Shade- Брой мнения : 568
Join date : 05.08.2012
Re: Kagura Demuri
Сори ама не е като да изгледам всички анимета заради вас :)
Ии ок .. Одобрен си ;) Приятна игра
Ии ок .. Одобрен си ;) Приятна игра
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