Tobi 5097069H

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Tobi 5097069H
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Писане by Kisuke Urahara Сря Авг 08, 2012 11:31 pm


Kisuke Urahara (浦原 喜助, Urahara Kisuke) is the former captain of the 12th Division as well as the founder and 1st President of the Shinigami Research and Development Institute. He currently lives in the Human World after being exiled, where he is now the owner of the small convenience store, "Urahara Shop", that doubles in selling Shinigami items. The shop is maintained by Urahara himself, as well as his employees, Tessai Tsukabishi, Jinta Hanakari, and Ururu Tsumugiya.

Kisuke is a tall and lean-built man with light skin and gray eyes. His hair is messy and light-blond (almost pale) with strands framing the sides of the face and hanging between his eyes, and he also has chin stubble. He wears a dark green shirt and pants, topped with a black coat with a white diamond pattern along its bottom half. His coat's design looks like the opposite of a captain's haori (white with black diamonds). Urahara has also been known to carry a fan which he uses to occasionally hide his face. He also usually wears traditional Japanese wooden sandals (geta) and a striped-dark green and white bucket hat that usually shadows his eyes, which has earned him the nickname "sandal-hat" (ゲタ帽子, geta-bōshi; "Mr. Hat-and-Clogs" in the English dub).

During his earlier years in Soul Society, he had a clean face and wore the standard Shinigami uniform. In his more casual events, he would usually wear his geta. He also later wore a long-sleeved captain's haori after his promotion to the rank of captain.

Although usually seen as a laid-back, jovial and eccentric fellow, Urahara also shows a deceptively cunning and serious side when the situation warrants it. He commonly uses idle conversation and outward concern as an act of distracting his opponents.[2] Despite his care-free attitude, he always speaks politely, but is sometimes sarcastic. Yoruichi Shihōin even notes that he tends to go over the top with whatever he becomes passionate about. He once described himself as a "mere honest, handsome, perverted businessman."

Approximately 110 years ago, Urahara's personality was the direct opposite of what it is in the present. During his earlier years as a captain, he was viewed as a nervous, flustered and quiet person. He was somewhat unsure of himself and lacked confidence in his ability to be a good leader. In addition, he was sometimes confused with how to deal with his Division. Despite being uncomfortable in his role, he seems relatively at ease in his previous position at the 2nd Division Detention Unit. However, he eventually hardens his resolve to take on his role as captain by becoming more serious and determined.

Urahara can usually be found near the scene of an important event (albeit arriving late sometimes), but he rarely intervenes in situations, preferring to stay on the sidelines. He often tends to know more information then he lets on and although being a major player he acts only as a catalyst, having others do the work for him. He also likes building large secret underground training spaces.
Urahara as the head of the Detention Unit.

Urahara grew up at the Shihōin Mansion in Seireitei with his childhood friends Yoruichi Shihōin and Tessai Tsukabishi.[3] He joined the Gotei 13 around the same time Yoruichi joined the Onmitsukidō[4] and eventually became the 3rd Seat of the 2nd Division, which is intertwined with the Onmitsukidō. As part of his duties as one of the top five Seat Officers, Urahara became head of the Onmitsukidō's Detention Unit.[5] Approximately 110 years ago the 12th Division captain, Kirio Hikifune, was promoted to the Royal Guard.[6] As a result, Yoruichi recommended Urahara as her replacement.[7]
Urahara receives the news of his recommendation as captain.

Urahara was told of this by Yoruichi after a sparring session. Urahara then spent the day wandering around Soul Society, interacting with the citizens as he sought to gather information on Shinigami defectors. He returned to the 2nd Division Headquarters and while he was talking with Yoruichi, Suì-Fēng arrived and reported negatively on Urahara's activities. They were then interrupted by the arrival of a Division member, who reported that the people Urahara had been looking for had been found. Yoruichi told Urahara to hurry off to his duties and sent Suì-Fēng to help prepare for his captain's proficiency test. Urahara and his men proceeded to the remote area where the defectors were hiding. Urahara told his men to wait as he entered the building by himself and single handily defeated all the defectors with only Hakuda before moving on to his test.[8]
Hiyori kicks Urahara in the crotch.

After successfully passing his exam, he became the captain of the 12th Division[9] and inherited Hikifune's lieutenant, Hiyori Sarugaki as his own. Later that day, Urahara formally introduced himself to the 12th Division. He encountered some resistance from Hiyori, who refused to accept him, citing her displeasure with at the nature of Captain Hikifune's departure and his status as a former 2nd Division member. Urahara laughed it off and told her that he had already been made the captain of the 12th Division and that he had made up his mind that this was the role he would play from then on. He was no longer a member of the 2nd Division and if she had a problem it was hers to change. Hiyori then kicked him in his crotch, which did not affect him at all.[10] The following night, Captain Shinji Hirako approached Urahara and told him why Hiyori was giving him problems and gave him advice on how to best go about being a captain. He then remarked that he could tell Urahara was not the type who does what other people tell him. Shinji explained that he felt Urahara was a type just like him, so he should just meddle in his own business.[11]
Urahara evades Hiyori for a moment before allowing her to kick him.

At a Division meeting, Urahara explained that he had decided to change the policy of the 12th Division, but had yet to determine what course of action he thought would be a good role for them. Hiyori became increasingly angry upon hearing that he was still thinking about it and attacked him. She challenged him to a fight, which he accepted on the basis that they fight unarmed. Hiyori tried to kick him in the face, but Urahara showed her that he could evade the attack. However, he allowed her to hit him so as not to embarrass her in front of the other Division members present.[12] The following morning, Hiyori arrived at the captain's chamber and became enraged at how Urahara had changed the room from its former state. He tried to calm her down, but Hiyori attacked him again, though he brushed it aside and asked her to accompany him to the Nest of Maggots.[13]
Urahara protects Hiyori.

Along their way to the Nest of Maggots, Urahara explained to her about the Detention Unit, what happens to those under its jurisdiction and the function of the Nest of Maggots. Inside the facility, Urahara told her that those detained within could not leave but they are still free within the facility. He warned her to be careful as the inmates can become violent. Urahara then explained that though the people in the facility are possibly dangerous, he had always felt that given a suitable outlet they could channel their power into something more productive. When one of the inmates tried to attack Hiyori, Urahara stopped him bare-handed, noting that in this facility they are not allowed to carry weapons.[14] This prompted the other inmates to attack, but Urahara easily defended himself and took out all his attackers.[15] The pair then went to the cell of Mayuri Kurotsuchi, whom Urahara asked if he wanted to leave the Nest of Maggots.[16] Urahara explained that in his capacity as the captain of the 12th Division, he had decided to make an organization the Shinigami Research and Development Institute and that he want him to be its Vice-President.[17]
12th Division as they appeared 100 years ago.

Nine years later, Urahara was told by Shinji and Lieutenant Sōsuke Aizen about a series of strange disappearances that had taken place in Rukongai and that the 9th Division was investigating.[18] Urahara later set about making a new type of Gigai to stabilize the disappearing souls. When explaining this to Hiyori, they were interrupted by the arrival of Todō Gizaeimon, who relayed Captain Kensei Muguruma's requests that a researcher be sent to the investigation site. Urahara persuaded a reluctant Hiyori to carry out the task.[19] Later, when he hears that the reiatsu of investigation team had disappeared, Urahara hurried into the lab and asked a researcher where Hiyori was. He rushed back out when she said that Hiyori had already left and he arrived late at an emergency captains meeting. Fearing for her safety, Urahara requested to go to the site himself, but was denied by Captain-Commander Yamamoto.[20] Urahara later decided to go anyway and uses a reiatsu concealing cloak to hide himself. Urahara was spotted by Tessai Tsukabishi, who joined him in the search.[21]
Urahara and Tessai Tsukabishi tend to a fallen Shinji.

They arrived just in time to stop Aizen from killing Captain Hirako.[22] Urahara questioned Aizen about what he was doing there, rejecting his initial explanation. Urahara noted that there were no injuries on the victims and that they were inflicted by "Hollowfication". When Aizen tried to leave with his henchmen, Tessai performed a high-level Kidō spell against them, forcing Urahara to duck out of the way. However, they manage to escape.[23] The duo then tend to Shinji and the rest of the victims who were deep in process of Hollowfication. After Urahara said that he could possibly help them at his lab, Tessai used forbidden Kidō to transport them there. In his lab, Urahara tried to reverse the process using an item he had created, the "Hōgyoku". However, it did not have the effect that Urahara expected.[24][25]
Yoruichi berates Tessai and Urahara.

The following morning, Urahara and Tessai were arrested and brought before the Central 46. They were swiftly tried, with little opportunity to defend themselves. Urahara was sentenced to be stripped of his Shinigami powers and exiled to the Human World. However, before the sentence could be carried out, he and Tessai were rescued by Yoruichi, who brought them to a secret underground area. There, she berated him for keeping her out of the loop and explained that she had brought the eight Hollowfied Shinigami and the prototype Gigai that Urahara was working on. Urahara resolved to make reiatsu-concealing Gigai to aid him, Tessai and the eight victims escape to the Human World, where they unsuccessfully tried to find a way to undo the Hollowfication process.[26]

At some point Urahara established his store in the Human World and also became acquainted with Isshin Kurosaki,[27] Ryūken Ishida,[28] and Kūkaku Shiba.[29]
Agent of the Shinigami arc
Rukia visits Urahara at his shop.

After Rukia Kuchiki gives all her powers to Ichigo Kurosaki, Urahara gives her a special, untraceable Gigai of his own design which would slowly drain Rukia's reiatsu and transform her into a Human, hiding the Hōgyoku within her forever.[30][31] Several days later, he welcomes Rukia to his store and tells her that they have just received a shipment of goods from Soul Society. Rukia buys some maintenance material for her Gigai despite Urahara's warning about its health effects. After she declines the offer of an overhaul of the Gigai, Urahara asks about payment and Rukia hands her Denreishinki to him, planning to pay with Bounty Points. Urahara finds that she received 5,000 Kan for the defeat of Shrieker. Urahara then tells her that her package has arrived[32] and sends Ururu to fetch it. She returns and presents a Gikongan dispenser to Rukia, but Urahara later discovers that Ururu brought the wrong box, which contained Kon.[33]
Urahara arrives to retrieve Kon.

He stops Jinta from punishing Ururu and says that it is his fault for not disposing of it.[34] Ururu, blaming herself, apologizes and asks him if he is mad. Urahara comforts her and says that they are a team and he will take care of it. The four set out to recover Kon.[35] When they find Kon, Urahara removes the mod-soul from Ichigo's body and proceeds to take back the "faulty merchandise". Rukia snatches Kon back and says he is not defective and that she is happy with the merchandise. Urahara informs her that they will deny any involvement if there is any trouble with Kon.[36] He later erases the memories of Kon and the trouble he caused from the minds of the people who were confronted by him.[37]
Urahara and Tessai at the filming of Don Kanonji's show.

Kisuke accompanies Tessai, Jinta and Ururu to the abandoned hospital where Don Kanonji is filming his TV show. When Ichigo and Rukia are restrained by the security personal, Kisuke transforms Ichigo into his Shinigami form and tells him not to be distracted from dealing with the Earth-bound Plus. When Rukia asks what he is scheming, Urahara replies he that brought Ururu and Jinta to see the filming as they love Don Kanonji's show. He says that he ran over when he heard Rukia's shrieks. The security personnel ask Kisuke if he knows Rukia and Ichigo, prompting him to set off a memory erasing device in the guard's face. As they flee the scene, Rukia reprimands him for using Soul Society's tools so freely, but Kisuke remarks that he had no choice as he did not want to get mixed up in her trouble.[38] Kisuke continues to watch Ichigo's progress from the crowd and states that it is just as he had thought: both wonderful and terrible, pondering what should be done.[39] When Ichigo drags Kanonji inside the hospital to draw the Hollow that is attacking them away from the crowd, Kisuke comments that he does fight as he had thought.[40]
Urahara and Tessai explain the nature of the Quincy to Rukia.

Sometime later Rukia shows up at the Urahara Shop irate that Kisuke has not answered her calls. He apologizes, saying that they have been busy and the store has often been left empty.[41] Rukia asks about the Quincy, which surprises him. He says that he has not heard of them for a long time and proceeds to reveal their history to Rukia.[42][43][44] After noticing the increasing amount of Hollows appearing in Karakura Town, Rukia rushes off and Urahara goes in to attend to other business. When Orihime Inoue collapses after using her newly awakened Shun Shun Rikka, Urahara arrives on the scene with Tessai, who is carrying Yasutora Sado.[45] They bring the pair to the shop and Urahara tells them what has been happening, about the power that has awoken within them and its connection to Ichigo.[46]
Urahara gives Sado and Orihime an explanation.

Urahara tries to ease their fears and tension and states that they have a choice now where there was none and it is up to them to choose to act or not. They are then interrupted by Tessai who states that the Kuumon has begun its convergence, noting that the preparations are complete. Urahara asks Orihime and Sado to come along as he wishes to show them the world they are about to enter and the enemies they must fight.[47] Upon their arrival, Urahara instructs Ichigo to focus on the Gillian-Class Menos Grande that is just about to force its way through the crack in the sky.[48][49] As Rukia attempts to assist, Urahara stops her from interfering by using a binding spell, telling her that the battle will be important to both of them.[50] After the battle, Urahara asks Tessai to repair the crack in the sky.[51]
Urahara warns Ichigo.

The next day Yoruichi visits Urahara and they discuss the Shinigami chasing Rukia.[52] When the Shinigami attempt to capture Rukia, Urahara frees Ichigo's Shinigami form from his body so that he fight Rukia's pursuers and in the process show Ichigo how little a chance he had in fighting against them.[53][54] Following Ichigo's defeat, Urahara heals both Uryū Ishida and Ichigo, taking Ichigo to his shop due to the extent of his injuries. Urahara gives him an opportunity to go to Soul Society under the condition that he trains with him for ten days to fight properly. Urahara knocks the impatient Ichigo to the ground, saying that if he were to go in his current condition, Ichigo will be as good as dead. He further notes that with his current skill he wouldn't stand a chance in Soul Society. Urahara explains that Soul Society commonly gives a one month grace period before carrying out executions. He notes that it will take ten days to train him and a further seven days to open the door to Soul Society, giving Ichigo 13 days in Soul Society to save Rukia.[55] He gives Ichigo a special medicine to quickly heal his wounds.[56]
Urahara stops Ururu's attack.

The next day, the fully healed Ichigo begins his training with Urahara, who takes him to the training area underneath his shop. Urahara separates Ichigo's soul from his body and has Ururu battle him, so Ichigo will be able to regain some of his speed.[57][58] After Ichigo passes this, Urahara has Tessai cut off Ichigo's Soul Chain and sends them into a large hole in the ground that will speed up Ichigo's Encroachment, to force Ichigo into a Shinigami state before Ichigo becomes a Hollow.[59][60] Three days later, he, Jinta and Ururu watch as Ichigo begins to transform into a Hollow and are surprised at the amount of resistance he has.[61] Ichigo awakens his Shinigami powers[62] and Urahara then begins Ichigo's third test, which is to he knocks Urahara's hat off his head.[63]
Urahara opens the Senkaimon.

Urahara initiates his Shikai[64] and easily overwhelms Ichigo. When Ichigo learns his Zanpakutō's name, Zangetsu, he unleashes a powerful energy blast at Urahara, hwo blocks with his Shikai's shield, though it still knocks off Urahara's hat. Urahara admits that Ichigo is a scary kid and notes that he has passed test three.[65] Two days later Ichigo, Uryū, Orihime and Sado are summoned by Urahara to his shop in the middle of the night.[66] Urahara then begins to create a Senkaimon, a tunnel to the Soul Society. Urahara then explains to Ichigo, Orihime, Chad, and Uryū the details of what the gate does and what to expect from its use. When Ichigo and his companions are gone, Urahara touches the Senkaimon, which repels his hand. He notes to himself that it is now up to Ichigo.[67]
Soul Society arc
Urahara apologizes to Ichigo.

Once Ichigo and company return, Urahara gathers the group on a flying paper and transports them all home. There he reveals his involvement in placing the Hōgyoku within the soul of Rukia and says he knowingly did not tell them because he thought it would make them change their mind about saving her. He removes his hat and apologizes to them for his deception and manipulation. After receiving an elbow to the face by Ichigo, he promises to apologize to Rukia.[68]
Bount arc (anime only)

Note: Events occurring in this arc are only in the anime and do not constitute canon material.
Click "show" to read the arc plot.

Arrancar arc
Urahara and Yoruichi protect Ichigo from Yammy.

One night Urahara stands in front of his shop and shows concern about what is going on in Karakura Town, when Yoruichi approaches him.[72] When the Arrancar Ulquiorra Cifer and Yammy Llargo attack, Urahara and Yoruichi save Ichigo from Yammy. Urahara nullifies Yammy's Cero and attacks him, but Ulquiorra deflects the attack and the two Arrancar retreat.[73] Sometime later Chad asks Urahara to train him.[74] Urahara eventually decides to have Renji train him, saying his Bankai is not fit for training or lending power to others. Urahara observes their training, commenting to himself on how fighting against a Bankai will increase Chad's powers and that he is still concerned about the nature of Chad's powers.[75] Shortly after, Urahara sends Yoruichi to bring Orihime to him.[76]
Wonderweiss tries to take Urahara's hat.

When Orihime arrives, he shares with her the details of the coming war between Soul Society and Aizen as they watch Renji and Chad battle. He ask her to stay out of the upcoming battle because with Tsubaki having been destroyed by Yammy, she has no means of attack and thus she should not participate in the battle. Chad disagrees, saying she helped in Soul Society and that her healing and defensive abilities that are more important than attacking. Urahara reminds him that Orihime is still a Human and the healing specialist 4th Division will be on the front line, as they possess combat abilities. Orihime agrees with Urahara and thanks him for being honest with her.[77] During another Arrancar incursion, Urahara saves Lieutenant Rangiku Matsumoto from being impaled by Luppi Antenor. After introducing himself he is seemingly almost attacked by Wonderweiss Margela, only to bat the Arrancar away using a blast of spiritual energy from his Zanpakutō.[78]
Urahara about to end the fight with Yammy Llargo.

Wonderweiss fires a Bala at him, something Urahara has never seen before. Yammy then fires a volley of Bala at him from above,[79] but Urahara uses a portable Gigai to evade the attack and taunts him. Urahara easily dodges another attack and appears behind Yammy, holding his Zanpakutō to the Espada's throat. He explains that he has seen him fire off tons of the blasts and won't be hit by them anymore. Urahara shows him the portable Gigai he used as a decoy. Enraged, Yammy begins to fire a Bala, but Urahara effortlessly negates the blast and explains that he has analyzed the Bala's spirit particle composition and the Espada's muscle movements, allowing him to dodge it.[80] Before they continue the battle Yammy escapes back to Hueco Mundo after Ulquiorra successfully captures Orihime.[81]
Hueco Mundo arc
Urahara opening the Garganta.

After Orihime is captured by Aizen's forces, Urahara finds Uryū in Karakura Hospital's secret training ground. He informs Uryū about that event and helps him leave the Hospital once he agrees to help.[82] Before leaving, Urahara takes him to a hidden storehouse where they find a few Seele Schneider.[83] Later that day Urahara opens a Garganta for Ichigo, Chad and Uryū to enter Hueco Mundo to rescue Orihime. After their departure, Urahara reveals that he is aware of the presence of Ichigo's three friends and that he left the store unlocked so they could enter.[84] Shortly afterwards, Rukia and Renji arrive from Soul Society and Urahara opens a Garganta for them.[85]
Urahara puts the Humans to sleep.

Following Ichigo's departure, Urahara retrieves Kon and Ichigo's body and places Kon inside Ichigo's body. He persuades a reluctant Kon to take over Hollow hunting while Ichigo is away. Urahara straps a special wrist watch on Kon that will help him transform into the Karakura-Raizer. He then sends Kon out to fight Hollows as he monitors his progress from his shop and communicates with him via the watch.[86] Kisuke also recruits Don Kanonji, Tatsuki, Chizuru, Keigo and Ururu as well as Kon to form the Karakura-Raizer Team. As the team dispatches the low level Hollows plaguing the town, an Arrancar appears in a floating giant fortress. Urahara analyses the fortress and reveals that it is made up of Hollows fused together, concluding that to destroy it, they must strike at its core. He sends the group to fight the Arrancar and destroy the fortress. He destroys the remains of the Hollow fortress as it starts to crash to the town below. As Kon and the other Humans fall asleep, Urahara thanks them for their efforts and reveals that he used the time to set up the Tenkai Kecchu without being noticed.[87]

Around this time Urahara was given some orders by Captain-Commander Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto. These include to create a Garganta to allow captains to enter Hueco Mundo[88] and to make preparations for the coming war by making it possible for the Gotei 13 to battle in Karakura Town. He accomplished this by creating a device called the Tenkai Kecchu which allowed him to swap the real Karakura Town with an elaborate duplicate made by the 12th Division.[89]
The New Captain Shūsuke Amagai arc (anime only)

Note: Events occurring in this arc are only in the anime and do not constitute canon material.
Click "show" to read the arc plot.

Fake Karakura Town arc
Urahara joins the fight.

As Sōsuke Aizen reveals the true nature of the Hōgyoku, Urahara attacks him from behind with Jūgeki Byakurai, piercing Aizen's shoulder.[92] Urahara takes note of the unusual form Aizen has taken and states that Aizen has fused with the Hōgyoku. Aizen explains that it is not fusion, but rather subjugation of the Hōgyoku, which Urahara had failed to master. Urahara glares down at Aizen and remarks that it is true he was unable to master it in the past. Aizen tries to attack him, but Urahara uses a portable Gigai as a decoy and uses the opportunity to bind Aizen with multiple Kidō spells. Urahara attacks with the "Senjū Kōten Taihō" spell, but Aizen appears behind him unharmed and slashes his shoulder. [93]
Urahara's seal forces Aizen into a column of light.

Aizen tells Urahara that there is no need for him to be on guard, as the Hōgyoku is strengthening his abilities. Urahara replies that he was not talking about dodging the Kidō, but rather that in the past Aizen would never have come into physical contact with him twice without a plan. Urahara reveals that he placed seals on Aizen to block off the reiatsu vents that all Shinigami have in their wrists. He tells Aizen that he will be incinerated by his own reiatsu from the inside out, as Aizen is enveloped in a column of light.[93] However, Aizen emerges unscathed and further transformed, commenting that Urahara used a level-90 Kidō as a decoy while placing the seal. Aizen states that the Hōgyoku he created was beyond his comprehension. Urahara and Isshin entangled Aizen and force him into an awkward position. As Aizen demands to know what is going on, Yoruichi, wearing armor developed by Urahara, attacks Aizen from above. Urahara soon yells for Yoruichi to move away as Aizen quickly recovers.[94]

After Urahara and Yoruichi get into two minor playful arguments about the quality of the armor, Aizen states is all part of Urahara's plan. Urahara replies that he thought Aizen was no longer cautious, but Aizen counters that it is just observation, as Urahara is the only being within Soul Society who is beyond his intellect and he still has interest in him. Urahara plays that down and fires an Ōkasen spell. Yoruichi, Urahara and Isshin take turns attacking Aizen[95] but Aizen soon defeats the trio.[96]
Urahara arrives as Aizen begins to be sealed.

Later, Urahara arrives outside the real Karakura Town after Ichigo has used his "Final Getsuga Tenshō" against Aizen, who has just realized his body is affected by some form of Kidō. Urahara explains that before he achieved complete transformation, in Aizen's most unguarded moment, he fired that Kidō into his body on the back of another Kidō. Urahara details that it is a seal developed specifically for Aizen as he figured that, if he fused with the Hōgyoku it would most likely become all but impossible to kill him. As the seal begins to take hold and the power he obtained from the Hōgyoku begins to fade, Urahara states that Aizen's loss of power is the will of the Hōgyoku. He explains that the seal took effect because his power was weakened and that the Hōgyoku no longer sees him as its master. Aizen asks why someone of Urahara's intellect allows himself to be controlled by "that thing". Urahara understands that Aizen is referring to the Spirit King, realizing that he has seen it. He tells Aizen that it is the "lynchpin" and without its existence, Soul Society would be rent asunder and that is the way of the world. Aizen is then sealed within Urahara's Kidō, the "Ultimate Seal of Destruction".[97]

Later, Ichigo asks Urahara where everyone went to which Urahara replies that they went home. He further states that it seems as though they wanted to speak with him but coming over and talking to him seemed like an equally difficult task to all of them. Ichigo asks him if he wiped their memories but Urahara tells him no not this time. Urahara explains that Aizen's seal structure was transported to Seireitei and that the details of his disposal will be immediately decided by the Central 46 Chambers. Ichigo gets a solemn look on his face prompting Urahara to ask why. Ichigo details that he doesn't really know himself causing Urahara to remind him that he risked his life protecting the world, everyone's lives and defeated Aizen. He further states that Ichigo did the right thing. Ichigo recounts his thoughts about Aizen to Urahara.[98] After Ichigo collapses, Urahara explains about the loss of Ichigo's Shinigami powers to Rukia.[99]
Zanpakutō Unknown Tales arc (anime only)

Note: Events occurring in this arc are only in the anime and do not constitute canon material.
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Beast Swords arc (anime only)

Note: Events occurring in this arc are only in the anime and do not constitute canon material.
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Gotei 13 Invading Army arc (anime only)

Note: Events occurring in this arc are only in the anime and do not constitute canon material.
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The Lost Substitute Shinigami arc
Kisuke sells goods to Karin.

Following Aizen's defeat, Urahara's life returns to normal, though he is no longer considered a wanted criminal by Soul Society.[119] To deal with her growing spiritual powers attracting spirits, Karin Kurosaki begins regularly coming to Urahara Shop for assistance. As Karin is leaving with the materials she bought on one such visit, Kisuke unsuccessfully tries to sell her extra items. When she offers to pay, he refuses, saying he owes Ichigo a lot and asks how Ichigo is and Karin's feelings as well. After she answers, he tells her to let him know if anything were to happen and he will prepare "something".[120] Some time later, Urahara is seen, by Ichigo, meeting up with Isshin in an alley. However, they both move away before Ichigo can learn the purpose of their meeting.[121]
Kisuke and Isshin.

Later, at the Urahara Shop, Urahara finishes with something, saying it is the last one and asks if Isshin is sure. Isshin says that he is getting annoying asking how many times Urahara needs to ask that. Urahara replies that it is a matter of whether or not a parent robs his son of his future so it is common sense to confirm it several times. Isshin says that he knows and of course he is sure. Urahara then says that they will make their final move and an unidentified figure steps forth telling Urahara to do it.[122] Later, Urahara walks with Isshin, who is carrying a glowing, sword, through the moonlit streets.[123] They reach Ichigo shortly after he loses his Fullbring and Urahara witnesses Rukia stab Ichigo with the glowing sword.[124] Having earlier traveled to Soul Society, where he explained the situation to Captain-Commander Yamamoto, the sword had been infused with the reiatsu of all the captains and lieutenants of the Gotei 13 upon Yamamoto's order. Urahara donated some of his reiatsu as well.[125]
Urahara catches Orihime after knocking her out.

When Orihime and Chad start to break from Tsukishima's ability, Urahara and Isshin knock the two out. Urahara catches Orihime and remarks that it was easy to knock them out since Tsukishima loosened them up and thanks him.[126] He and Isshin bring them to his shop and after Tsukishima is defeated, they become stable. Urahara decides to return to where the battle is taking place, telling Isshin to remain behind. He acknowledges Isshin's concern that Ichigo will learn the truth, stating that Ichigo is bound to learn it eventually.[127] Urahara arrives at Tsukishima's mansion and finds Riruka as the only Fullbringer who remained there. He then brings Ichigo and company, along with Riruka, to his shop.[128] Some time later, Urahara brings Riruka breakfast, but finds that she has gone so instead offers the meal to Jinta.[129]
The Thousand-Year Blood War arc
Urahara and company arrive in Hueco Mundo.

As Ichigo and his friends discuss the abduction of Arrancar, including Dondochakka from Hueco Mundo with Pesche and Nel Tu, Urahara appears at Ichigo's window and offers to arrange their entry to Hueco Mundo.[130] While Urahara leads Ichigo and the others through the Garganta, Ichigo queries how he arrived at such a convenient time. Urahara jokes about having waited outside his window until the opportune time. He comments on the amount of unusual activity recently had put him on alert, saying that it is all connected and is not a trivial matter. They arrive in Hueco Mundo to find ruined buildings and the sand itself burning. Urahara listens as Pesche explains that the blue flames are caused by the enemy's use of condensed reishi. Ichigo goes to save the Arrancar that have been captured, leaving Urahara to wonder if he realizes that he is going to help those that were recently his enemy.[131]
Urahara opens the Senkaimon to Soul Society.

As Ichigo fights Kirge Opie, Urahara and Pesche rescue Dondochakka. While running, they argue about how long it took them, because Ichigo and Kirge are already fighting all out. Suddenly Urahara stops, as he is distracted by something behind them.[132] A short while later, Urahara receives a call from Akon, asking to speak to Ichigo; however, Urahara informs him that this is impossible because of the ongoing fight. He informs Akon of the situation and watches as Ichigo surpasses Kirge in battle. Eventually, Urahara uses an opening to step in and defeat him. Urahara then opens a Senkaimon and tells Ichigo to proceed to Soul Society immediately.[133]

As he sets about analysing the details of Ichigo's battle with Kirge, Urahara asks Orihime and Sado to recover Kirge's Bankai stealing medallion from his body. He joins in with Ichigo and Akon's conversation and begins to provide details of the Quincy's abilities. He notes that the Vandenreich may have waited until Ichigo could not enter Soul Society in order to attack and for that reason it is important that he does go there. He also reveals that he will soon follow him there. However, he is attacked by Kirge, who has used Ransōtengai. Urahara notes that he was careless to think that Kirge could not move with the injuries he had sustained.[134]

Later on, when Kirge attempts to get rid of Kisuke, Orihime and Sado, Kirge is cut in two by an unidentified individual, a surprised and wounded Kisuke quickly finds himself with a blade to his head.[135]

Having founded the research institute in Soul Society, Kisuke Urahara has developed a number of unique items. The notable ones are below:

Hōgyoku (崩玉, Crumbling Orb, Viz: "Breakdown Sphere") also referred as The Orb of Distortion: This item is a small orb that initially was believed to only be capable of dissolving the boundary between a Shinigami and a Hollow and vice-versa.[136] However, according to Aizen, its true ability is materializing the inner desires of the people around it.[137]

Urahara uses a Gigai in battle.

Variations of Gigai: Having experimented with Gigai (義骸, faux body) at length, Urahara has created at least two variations. The most notable one is an untraceable Gigai which drains the user's spiritual power instead of restoring it, effectively making them Human if used long enough.[138] He also developed an inflatable Gigai for use as a decoy in combat.[139]

Soul-Object Integration: Urahara has developed the technique to bury matter within a soul. The matter can later be removed by either disintegrating the soul around the object, or it can be removed by breaking down the soul's cohesion and allowing the object to be removed without any damage to the soul. He used this technique to hide the Hōgyoku in Rukia's body and the latter technique allowed Aizen to remove it from there without killing her.[140]

Reiatsu Concealing Cloak: Urahara has created a cloak that hides his spiritual pressure, which he used to sneak up on Aizen during the Hollowfication of the soon-to-be Visored[141] or to sneak up on Ichigo after he lost his Fullbring.[142] It also allows him to freely and safely move about in the Dangai.[143]

Yoruichi reveals the Tenshintai.

Tenshintai (転神体, lit. "Change [Death] God Body", Viz: "Divine Transfer Body"): An artefact belonging to the Onmitsukidō, but invented and tested by Urahara. It is a vaguely Human-shaped, man-sized doll used to forcibly materialize the spirit of a Zanpakutō into the real world when stabbed by the Zanpakutō. In doing so, it facilitates the user in subjugating the spirit and attaining the Bankai of their Zanpakutō. The materialization can last for about three days, after which the spirit reverts back into the doll that spawned it. Without this invention, achieving the Bankai takes at least ten years, plus the many years of combat experience needed. This method, however, is very dangerous due to the fact that it forcibly materializes the Zanpakutō's spirit. Urahara deemed that it was dangerous to use for more than three days.[144][145]

Tenkai Kecchu (転界結柱, World-Shifting Binding-Posts): A device which creates an enormous one spiritual unit of area radius Senkaimon bound by four linked points. When activated the device swaps something that it encircles with something else in Soul Society.[146]

Karakura-Raizer Transformation Watch: A watch given to Kon aid him in protecting Karakura Town during Ichigo's absence. The watch has the following features:[87]

Transformation: The watch's main function, it covers Kon in a puff of smoke as it gives him a superhero outfit designed by Uryū. Despite its flashy appearance, the suit has little to offer, it gives the user no increases in strength or speed, nor does it give the wearer the ability to fly.[87]

Raizer Beam: The only effective weapon in the suit. Kon spells out Raizer with his body then slaps his hands together to emit a beam strong enough to kill a large Hollow. However, this attack takes up a lot of energy and can only be used once per transformation.[87]

Communicator: The watch serves as a communicator between Kon and Urahara.[87]

Electrocute: Urahara can also have the watch shock Kon if he disobeys his orders.[87]

Anti-Hierro Armor: A protective armor designed especially to engage in direct battle with enough durability to smash through an Arrancar's Hierro. It is also rather effective defensively, able to protect the wearer's said body part from damage, even if the armor itself is destroyed in the process.[147]

Kisuke's computer projection.

Computer: When he enters Hueco Mundo, Kisuke utilizes a holographic computer interface which is generated from a small black, three legged device that has long, slender, black arms on both sides of it. The device projects a keyboard on to a surface in front of it and a display above its arms. He can use this projected computer interface to aid in analysis.[148]
Kisuke Urahara
Kisuke Urahara

Брой мнения : 41
Join date : 04.08.2012

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Tobi Empty Re: Tobi

Писане by PedoPanda Чет Авг 09, 2012 10:08 am

Може да ми е един от любимите герои и да мога да те одобря без изобщо да чета всичко тва ама .. dude, there are some rules xD

Попълни бланката за героя, не просто да пействаш всичко от wiki-то .. След тва те одобрявам. ;]

Брой мнения : 2598
Join date : 18.12.2010
Age : 28


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Tobi Empty Re: Tobi

Писане by Kisuke Urahara Чет Авг 09, 2012 10:58 am

(ако има много грешки, не е от мен xD)

Име: Урахара Кисуке

Години: N/A

Раса: Шинигами

Външен вид:
Tobi Urahara_Kisuke_by_Majin_Luffy

Характер: Въпреки че обикновено се разглежда като ексцентричен, весел и ексцентричен човек, Urahara показва измамно хитър и сериозна страна, когато ситуацията го обоснове. Той често използва празен разговор и пасивно загриженост, като акт на отвлича вниманието на противниците му. [2] Въпреки грижа си без отношение, той винаги говори учтиво, но понякога е саркастичен. Yoruichi Shihōin дори отбелязва, че той е склонен да премине на върха с каквото той става страстен. Веднъж той описва себе си като "обикновен честен, красив, извратен бизнесмен."

Преди около 110 години, личността на Урахара е пряко противоположна на това, което е в настоящето. По време на ранните му години като капитан, той се разглежда като един нервен, нервен и спокоен човек. Той е малко по-сигурни в себе си и няма доверие в способността му да бъде добър лидер. В допълнение, той понякога се бърка с това как да се справят със своята дивизия. Въпреки, че е неудобно в ролята си, той изглежда относително спокойно в предишната си позиция на 2-ра дивизия Задържане Unit. Въпреки това, той в крайна сметка се втвърдява своята решимост да поеме ролята си като капитан, като все по-сериозен и се определя.

Урахара обикновено може да бъде намерен в близост до мястото на важно събитие (макар и Закъснявайки понякога), но той рядко се намесва в ситуации, предпочитайки да остане в периферията. Той често има тенденция да се знае повече информация тогава той позволява на и въпреки че е основен играч, той действа само като катализатор, като другите вършат работа за него. Той също така обича да се изграждането на големи тайни подземни пространства за обучение.

Способности:Магистър Специалист в мечемайсторството:, Urahara е изключително опитен майстор на меча, притежаващ мощни удари с еднакво впечатляваща скорост и прецизност зад тях. Неговите способности се считат за крайно опасно от Ulquiorra Cifer, 4-ти Espada. Докато предпочитан борба Urahara изглежда да е меча, той е много вещ в комбинирането му с другите си умения и незабавно преминаване към някоя от тях. Неговите обичайните методи в битката се поразява от различни ъгли, за да обърка и да хванете опонентите му охрана за Sneak атаки. [149] [150] Той е бил в състояние да запази Ичиго постоянно натиск по време на обучението им, въпреки много по-голяма острието на Ичиго. Уменията му рядко разчитат на повече от Shikai, както се вижда срещу Yammy, 10 Espada. Той постигна Bankai, в рамките на кратък период от време (чрез процес, той измислил), се разчита на чист умения срещу духа на острието. [151] [152] [153]

Shitonegaeshi (褥 返し, "Уплътнителна връщане") [154]: А възлага техника, която има за цел да подчини на противника и задържайки ги на земята, използвайки принуда сам, от Urahara спиране на върха на бастуна си, който е на няколко милиметра от лицето си, след като той има вече ги порази. [155]

Hōzuri (頬 折 "бузата удар") [154]: А просто, но точно наклонена черта на техника, която е предназначена само леко да пасат и да предизвикат повърхностни рани [156]

Hakuda Master: Като бивш командир на звено на звеното за задържане на Onmitsukidō, той не е разрешено да използват оръжие в гнездото на личинки, затова е необходимо да стане силно владее невъоръжена борба [157] уменията му са големи, достатъчно сила, дори. харесва на Yoruichi в пика си, за да се бори сериозно по време на редовните си сесии спаринг. По време на дните си като шинигами, дори когато само 1/3 офицер седалище по това време, той е в състояние без усилие да се вземат определени няколко шинигами дезертьори невъоръжени и да излязат след невредим. [15]

Shunpo магистър: Като бивш 3-то място на 2-ра дивизия и Onmitsukidō командир единица, Urahara има изключително разбиране и умения в Shunpo и е добре запознат с различните техники. Той е толкова бърз, че противникът не забелязва, когато той се заменя с преносим Gigai като средство за Грешна посока, илюстрира още повече, когато той използва тази тактика ефективно срещу Aizen,,. [158] В допълнение, фактът, че той винаги може да се справи с скорост yoruichi в пика си по време на спаринг на сесията е още едно доказателство за високото си майсторство в това умение. [8]

Kido магистър: Като бивш шеф на SRDI, Urahara има огромен знания на духовна енергия. Поток, прилагането и последователност [159] Той знае как да се разрушат бариерите на духовно висшите благороднически родове, че дори и капитани не [160. Той може да тихо и без предупреждение се използва ниско ниво на Kido до голям ефект [161] [162] Той може да използвате няколко вида на високо равнище Kido в бърза последователност само по име, без заклинание или се обадите на вида и нивото, като се запазва значителна власт. [163] [116] Той също има опитен умения в процес на лечение Kido. [164] Той може да използва ниво 99 Kido, [114], но има по-големи трудности с на Kido над ниво 88 без заклинание. [115] Това се наблюдава, когато той използва заклинание за ниво 91 Kido, за да се осигури достатъчно мощност. Той може да използва на Kido за различни тактики комбинация и отклоняване, дори и във връзка и да останат незабелязани, докато извити в синхрон в верижна реакция. Kisuke също може да създаде своя собствена уникална високо ниво Kido. [165] Aizen призна, че ако не за Hōgyoku, мъжество на Kisuke, ще са със сигурност го порази. [166]

Keikaigi (系 界 仪 "World Обвързването Rite"): [167] Тази техника се свързва пространството, обвързване на два свята заедно, за да произведе Garganta. На откриването се генерира между две големи дървени колони,, вдаден от две големи скални образувания. [168]

Огромна духовна сила: Като бивш капитан на 12 дивизия Urahara гордее силни нива на духовна енергия. Неговата енергия е достатъчно интензивно, за да опоненти и с високи нива на енергийната пот в страх. [149] При освобождаване на духовното си налягане, може да предизвика едно Shockwave достатъчно силен, за да повлияе значително радиус и да започне обратно слабите лица. [8] Той също показа забележимо големи запаси от енергия. енергийни стартиране на множество високо ниво Kido и Shikai атаки, в една битка без изморително [169] Той е доста опитен крие своята духовна енергия, може да остане незабелязано от съюзници, така и от врагове [170 ]

Genius Интелект: Urahara се доказа, че е най-интелигентният е така и извън рамките на душата общество. Голяма част от интелекта му се вижда в научни изобретения, приспадане от ситуации и бойни тактики. Aizen сам признава, интелигентност Urahara надминава своя огромен интелект. [171] Той е много мъдро на други хора, позволявайки му да привидно се предскаже нещо и по-рано. След Орихиме невнимание разкри, нейните правомощия, за да Ulquiorra, Urahara правилно заключи че Aizen, ще се опита да улови Орихиме, за да я използва против душата общество. [172] Kisuke е високо състояние учител. Само за пет дни от неортодоксален обучение, той обуславя Ичиго в опит боец ​​наравно с-лейтенант ниво шинигами. [173]

Магистър учен и изобретател: Като основател и бивш шеф на SRDI, Urahara е талантлив учен и изобретател, след като създаде броя на устройствата или техники, за да му помогнат в битката или по друг начин. Неговото знание го е довело до вродено разбиране на възможностите на други, както и това, което се случва, когато независими променливи се въвеждат в уравнение. Неговият интелект в тази област е очевиден, след като създаде най-удивителните неща в историята на Soul общество. Тъй като той е изобретяването и създаването на нещата, тъй като времето преди да стане седнал директор в 2-ра дивизия. Той е в състояние да създаде неговите изобретения в доста кратък период от време. [86], Urahara е в състояние да разбера как да се възстанови на шинигами правомощията на Ичиго седемнадесет месеца след като ги загуби. [174]

Главен стратег и тактик: Въпреки външния си вид настрана, занемарени, на Urahara многократно е доказано, че е много проницателен и хитър човек. Той също така притежава голяма интуиция, може бързо да се запознаят на всяко входящо опасност и да реагира във времето с нея. [175] Urahara има неоспорим талант за мислите, че нещата предварително, решителни и точна бързо вземане на решения в битка и на пръв поглед възприемат всяка ситуация под ръка. Той е хитър тактик, лесно могат да заблудят съюзници, така и врагове. В битка, той редовно се използват хитростта измама, за да настигнат своите опоненти-Guard. [176] Той е и много аналитичен човек, способен бързо да може да видите чрез силата на противника и модели атака в крайна сметка ги прави безполезни срещу него. Той лесно надхитрената, и подмамени Aizen, многократно в борбата си с него. [177]

Засилено сила: като бивш член на Onmitsukidō, той получава значителна физическа подготовка. По време на престоя си като командир на задържането единица, той е в състояние без усилие да се спре удар от гигантски мъж с една ръка. [157] Той е бил в състояние дори да спре удар от извънредно силен Ururu, блокиране на въздействието, което противен случай щяха да убити Ичиго. [178] По време на обучението си с Ичиго неговите удари показа достатъчно мощност, за да създаде доста големи кратери и лесно стартиране на по-младите изтребители няколко метра и чрез твърда скала. [179]

Enhanced Speed: Kisuke демонстрира огромна скорост и рефлекси в битка. Дори когато хванат изненада от атаката на врага, той може да реагира във времето до умело укрива или противодействие на нападението. [180] обидно, той може да запази до бързо и бързо нападение, което принуждава повечето опоненти за отбраната, тъй като той оставя няма отвори в неговата атаки. [149]

Засилено Agility: Докато обикновено съкратени обратно, Kisuke е извънредно пъргаво боец. В битка, неговата гъвкавост може ефективно използване на бойното поле в своя полза, обръщане и скачане от стена до стена, за да държи противниците си сигурен си атака модели. Обидно, неговата гъвкавост му дава страхотен баланс и сръчност в битка, в състояние да атакува опонента си от различни ъгли с голяма точност и сила. [149]

Засилено Трайност: Макар и да не се налага най-внушителния от изяви, Kisuke е получил значителна физическа подготовка от дните си в Onmitsukidō и е в добро състояние за битка. Той е в състояние да поемат големи количества наказание. По време на престоя си като капитан, той следва редовно да бъдат нападнати от тогавашния-лейтенант Hiyori Sarugaki. Всеки път, той ще отнеме на атаките с безразличие, ако не се смея за това, с малко, за да няма реален ефект върху себе си. Неговата издръжливост дори, причинени Hiyori да бъде по-внимателни за това как тя ще го удари, ако тя не искаше да се нарани вместо. [181]

Магистър Assassin: Като бивш високопоставен член на Onmitsukidō Kisuke има високо майсторство в изкуството на стелт битка. Той многократно показа впечатляващи умения, за да останат скрити и невидим, докато маневрира към целта си. Той може напълно да се скрие присъствието му, оставяйки го незабелязани, докато умишлено разкриване на себе си. [182] По време на битката си срещу Yammy, той многократно е бил в състояние лесно да уловят противника си напълно неподготвени и ефективно да се възползват от нея. [183] ​​Дори харесва на възприемчив и интуитивен Aizen, бе заловен от изненада. [184]

Benihime меч тръстика запечатан състояние.

Benihime (红 姫, Crimson принцеса, "Red принцеса" на английски дъб): острие, описан от Urahara като "не е хубаво", също така един от малкото известни Zanpakutō с женски дух (собственост от мъжки пол). Когато запечатани, Benihime, е бежов цвят shikomizue, (острие, скрити във вътрешността на захарна тръстика), с извита дръжка. Като острието пребивава в бастун, дръжките на захарна тръстика, е все още на дръжката и вала е ножницата, което тя все още работи като друг Zanpakutō. [185] основата на вала, също носи един череп и марки пламък на дъното, които могат да се разделят души от органите, чрез натискане на марката към нея. [186] Назад, когато все още в Gotei 13, Benihime беше запечатана в стандартен катана форма с черна обвивка, носени под крилото Urahara. Тя има овална форма tsuba с една снежинка-дизайн, релефно щампован и черна дръжка амбалаж. [4] [187] Не е известно, ако Benihime може да се върнете към тази катана форма.
Benihime на Shikai състояние.

Shikai:, команда Shikai Benihime "," събуди "(起きろ, okiro). Неговата Shikai отнема формата лъскав, средни меч. Сцепление на дръжката, който има лек черно-декоративен амбалажна, извива се изпращат в края с лък на седло форма да изглежда препокриващи се три пъти и пурпурен пискюл, висящи от основата му. Вместо tsuba има U-образна форма охрана, обхващащ три сантиметра от острието, с цвете венчелистче дизайн. В основата на телохранителите е червен низ три пъти увита около дръжката, с три цикъл лъка върху задната страна и сгънат украса на хартия, на лицевата страна. Острието е черен със сребърна край и е малко по-дебели от захарна тръстика, запечатан състояние. Той остава прав и тънък, с малко по-кратко размер с върха, която приключва през наклонен бръснач ръб, вместо да бъде заострено до точка. [188] [189]

Shikai Специално умение: Benihime е в състояние да изпълняват различни енергийни техники в пурпурен цвят. Urahara може да изпълнява тези способности на Benihime от различни вербални команди, който съответства на различните му способности. [190] [191] [192]

"Наке" техника

Наке, Benihime (啼け 紅 姫, Sing, принцеса Crimson "Scream" на английски дъб): Тази техника се задейства особено силно concussive и разрушителни пурпурен цвят енергийни взривове. Енергийните потоци, на острието и пожари обикновено в арката на люлка на меча. [193] Техниката е в състояние да приема по една точка-празно Cero от един Espada-ниво Arrancar, като го разсейва с едно взрив с еднаква мощност. [ 194] Той е също така може да се зарежда до тази техника, за да произвежда значително повече щети. [149]

Chikasumi не Тейт (血 霞 の 盾, Кръв Mist Shield): Тази техника образува шестоъгълна форма пурпурен бариера в предната част на острието за отбранителни тактики. Бариерата се нарича със същата команда като "Наке" техника. Бариерата може да лесно да блокират едно пряк удар на извънредно силен Yammy Llargo, без да уврежда себе си или последица да Urahara, [195] и първото използване блок Ичиго, на неговата "Getsuga Tenshō", а само леко ерозира, след което Urahara коментари, че той би са загубили ръката, ако не беше щит. [196]

Kamisori, Benihime (剃刀 红 姫 "Razor, Crimson Принцес"): [167] техника, която се задейства енергия дъга, може да се срежат материали и вещества с относителна лекота. Това беше в състояние да намалят чрез Йеро, защитено пипало на Luppi Antenor. Той изпраща вълна от енергия, която се движи към целта и е в състояние незабавно смяна на посоката. [197]

Tsuppane, Benihime (突 ッ 撥 紅 姫, "Spurning, Crimson Принцес"): [167] След анализиране на рейши състав един техника, както и на субекта движения на мускулите, когато те използват техники, като просто изготвяне кръг на енергия с острото на Benihime и време право, тази техника може да отмени атаката на врага, в точката на контакт. [198]

Shibari, Benihime (縛り 紅 姫, Crimson принцесата на задължителен характер): Тази техника стартира на кондензирано енергия във формата на материални кървавочервено мрежа, генерирани от дължина на острието и просто хвърлени над предвидената цел (обикновено от по-горе), с проста стремителен ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЕ от Benihime. Мрежата свързва и ограничава движенията на противника, като се свива до неговата форма. Тази мрежа се появява продълговата и малко тесен. [199]

Hiasobi, Benihime, Juzutsunagi (火 游 红 姫 数 珠 系, Crimson Princess Това Игри с пожар, нанизани заедно като мъниста броеница): След използване на техника Shibari Urahara пробиви в мрежата с върха на Benihime,, създаване на кълба от пожар по протежение на външната дължина на мрежата, която експлодира като свързани земята мини в формирането на доминото, водеща към предвидената цел, която е обвързана в рамките на мрежата. Когато кълба влизат в пряк контакт с предвидената цел тя създава един изключително голяма и опустошителна експлозия. [200]

Bankai: Все още не е разкрита, но е смътно коментирани. Yoruichi коментари, че Urahara са успели да научат Bankai три метод, той е създаден. [201] Когато Yasutora Sado дума за на Urahara за обучение, той, вместо да поставя задачата да Ренджи Abarai-тата, че Чад трябва да се изправят пред силата на Bankai, за да се подобри . Когато Ренджи пита защо на Urahara, който също притежава Bankai, не се обучават Чад себе си, той заявява, че неговата Bankai не е годен за обучение или да помагате на другите. [202]

Допълнително: Не че нещо, но просто ме мързи да превеждам цялото wiki. Пък и дори да не е нужно да го направя, ще трябва способности да превеждам, което е болка в задника. xD

Последната промяна е направена от Monkey D. Luffy на Чет Авг 09, 2012 11:14 am; мнението е било променяно общо 1 път
Kisuke Urahara
Kisuke Urahara

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Join date : 04.08.2012

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Tobi Empty Re: Tobi

Писане by Naix Чет Авг 09, 2012 11:14 am

Одобрен си! хД

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Tobi Empty Re: Tobi

Писане by Himari Чет Авг 09, 2012 11:19 am

Абе ще те наритам накрая. Стига си спамил по темите. :D

Одобрен си.

Брой мнения : 464
Join date : 22.03.2012

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Tobi Empty Re: Tobi

Писане by PedoPanda Чет Авг 09, 2012 11:24 am

ма никой няма да се сети да му смени името и да заключи темата ;д

иначе .. тва вече е др нещо ;д

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Tobi Empty Re: Tobi

Писане by Himari Чет Авг 09, 2012 11:25 am

Аз я заключих бе душа :D

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Tobi Empty Re: Tobi

Писане by PedoPanda Чет Авг 09, 2012 11:28 am

извинявай бе, душа .. забравих, че като съм админ мога пак да си пиша .. пък кел файда, че е заключена ;д

Брой мнения : 2598
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Age : 28


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